Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reported on July 10, 2023 at 900 Kickapoo

At 11:08 a.m. July 10, 2023, the Water Pollution Control (WPC) staff was performing routine checks of creek crossings when they noticed the tracer dye they were using in the creek. WPC staff found that the sewer system had surcharged between the 900 block of Kickapoo Street and the 900 block of Kiowa Street. The surcharge caused the sanitary sewer to overflow from the sanitary sewer main near manhole no. 0119. City staff cleared the blockage in the main. Bypass of the system ended at 2:10 p.m. City staff cleaned the creek area and pumped the wastewater back into manhole no. 0119. WPC staff estimated 400 gallons of wastewater was released from the system. The creek was tested to determine if the E. coli levels in the creek were within acceptable limits set by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. The City asked that residents stay away from the creek water until testing was done and the signs were removed. The affected areas were from the 900 block of Kiowa to the 900 block of Ottawa Streets.