Regular Curbside Trash Collection Service
The next Free First Saturday will be Saturday, April 5.
Spring Clean-up has been CANCELED for 2025.
Regular information about trash pickup
The City of Leavenworth provides residential pick up by City crews once each week.
- Brush Site - 1803 N. 2nd Street, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Accepts brush, branches, trees must be free of dirt and less than 12 inches in diameter, no roots or root systems still attached.
- The Self-Serve Recycling Center: Lawrence and Pennsylvania Streets 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This facility is always free to Leavenworth City residents.
- Large Item Drop-Off: Behind the Municipal Service Center, dumpsters are provided for residents at the north entrance (Pennsylvania and Lawrence) to drop off materials such as large appliances, furniture and trash between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. once a month on Free First Saturday. Tires and household hazardous waste are not accepted at this event.
City offices are closed, but trash service is subject to change on the following holidays: New Year's Day, President's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
The charge for the trash service appears on a resident's water bill each month. Please review your water bill to ensure you are paying for the appropriate number of units. Should you have any questions, please call our office at 913-682-0650, weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Crews will work until 5:00p.m. If for some reason crews are unable to finish that day's route, they will finish it the following morning (excluding scheduled holidays).
Large items will not be picked up during regular household trash collection. You can arrange for the disposal of large items (appliances, furniture, exercise equipment) by calling the Municipal Service Center at 913-682-0650 during the week and by noon on Thursdays at the latest. To be scheduled, you must call during business hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). You can not leave a message to be put on the list. Pick up availability each week is for the first 10 residents for metal pick up and first 20 residents for large item pick up. These items will then be picked up on Friday. If the limit has been met, you will need to call the following week to schedule. There is no waiting list for upcoming weeks. Large item collection is limited to two (2) items per pick up and there will be a maximum of 1 pick up per month at each address.
Regular household trash is to be contained within securely tied disposable bags and/or in the City-provided trash cart and set next to the curb by 7:00 a.m. on your collection day. The only hard-sided container permitted are the trash carts provided by the City of Leavenworth. Trash carts should be placed at the edge of the driveway, or in the street at the curb line with the handle and wheels facing the street. The use of other types of hard-sided containers is not permitted.
Do not place your household trash at the curbside more than 24 hours before your regular pick-up day. You may spray bleach or ammonia on the inside of the trash bags to help prevent animals from tearing into the bags.
NOTE: All items, except bundles of sticks and tires, must be contained within trash bags or a City-provided trash cart. No loose items will be collected outside of the trash cart. Trash cart and trash bags must all be in one location.
Instructions for Trash Pickup:
- Trash carts will be tipped only once. Crews will not reach in cart to remove what is left.
- The City will pick up bags weighing 60 lbs or less. Bags over 60 lbs will not be collected. Please ensure bags can support the items placed inside.
- Any trash not put in a City-issued poly cart must be put into a bag professionally manufactured for that purpose. Miscellaneous bags like plastic grocery or dog food bags will not be accepted at the curb. Those items MAY be placed in the poly cart.
- Trash and trash carts must not be obstructed by cars, trees, bushes, walls, etc.
- Trash carts are to be moved back to the home on the same day that they are emptied. They can be stored inside (garage or shed) or behind the front edge of the home. Please do not store in front of the home.
- Place trash cart and all trash bags including leaf bags in only one location/pile on the curbside.
- Garbage and household trash cannot be left in the yard and must be disposed of properly. This includes auto parts, appliance, furniture, building materials, tires, cardboard, plastics, or any other materials.
- Brush and small tree limbs will be collected with your household trash; however, these items must be cut into 5-foot lengths or less, and tied into manageable bundles of less than 60 pounds. Loose pieces, over-sized bundles, or poorly-tied bundles will not be collected. Logs will not be accepted.
- The City will collect up to 5 automobile tires per household (maximum 10 tires per year). Call the Service Center (913-682-0650) to schedule tire pick up. Tires will be collected on Friday.
- Home remodeling debris (carpet, sheetrock, boards, etc.) will not be accepted. Homeowner or contractor is responsible for arranging proper disposal.
- The City of Leavenworth does not pick up commercial construction debris.
- Cement or bricks are not accepted.
- Cardboard boxes: cardboard should be broken down and placed into bags, trash cart, or taken to the Recycling Center. Boxes not contained within bags or trash carts will not be collected.
- Sharp items such as broken glass are to be placed in a cardboard box with a maximum size of 1ft x 1ft. The box is to be sealed and clearly labeled as ‘SHARPS’. Needles should be disposed of either at designated drop off locations or placed in a hard plastic container (2-liter soda bottle, laundry detergent container, or similar). The hard plastic container or SHARPS box can be placed in the City-provided trash cart. Please do not put a sharp item box out if inclement weather is forecasted or on a wet surface as it will become a safety issue.
- The City trash service is set up to handle regular weekly household trash. We are not set up to handle large clean-out piles on trash day. While we are not placing a limit on the number of trash bags, large clean-out piles are not considered regular household trash and therefore will not be collected. Homeowner, property owner, or management company is responsible for arranging proper disposal. Options include for proper disposal include: the County Transfer Station, City of Leavenworth Free First Saturday events each month (City of Leavenworth residents only), renting a roll-off bin from an outside company, or hiring an outside disposal service company.
- Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) - including, but not limited to chemicals and paint may be taken to the Leavenworth County Transfer Station. Call 913-727-2858 to verify their guidelines. The City works with Leavenworth County to offer one free Household Hazardous Waste drop off in the spring of each year. Date and location will be posted on the City’s website and on various social media sites.
Starting January 22, 2024, large items will not be picked up during regular household trash collection. You can arrange for the disposal of large items (appliances, furniture, exercise equipment) by calling the Municipal Service Center at 913-682-0650 during the week and by noon on Thursdays at the latest. Pick up availability is for the first 10 residents for metal pick up and first 20 residents for furniture pick up. These items will then be picked up on Friday. Large-item collection is limited to two (2) items per pick up and there will be a maximum of 1 pick up per month at each address.
General Comments:
- Garbage and household trash cannot be left in the yard and must be disposed of properly. This includes auto parts, appliance, furniture, building materials, tires, cardboard, plastics, or any other materials.
- Tree trimming and fallen limbs must be disposed of within a week.
- There is no limit on leaf bags, but we encourage use of the Brush Site.
- If a bag breaks open when City staff picks it up, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to clean up any mess that occurs.