
Newly promoted police detectives in 2022

The Leavenworth Police Department is committed to working in partnership with our community to improve the quality of life in our city. Our mission is to provide police services in a fair, courteous, and efficient manner.
We are charged with upholding the laws of the City of Leavenworth, State of Kansas, and tenets of the Constitution and will do so with integrity and honesty. Everyone we come in contact with will be treated with compassion and respect without bias. We will be accountable for our actions and acknowledge our mistakes.
Our effectiveness will be measured by the absence of fear in our neighborhoods and our ability to work in partnership with our community.



Our Values

Honesty and Integrity
We value adherence to the rule of law, to the Constitutions of Kansas and the United States to the utmost honesty.
We value providing equally to all people fair, courteous, responsive, and efficient service which observes each individual's dignity and worth. 
We value employees, who through their individual and collective actions, demonstrate the highest degree of ethical conduct, who seek and apply knowledge to better perform their duties, who are dedicated to service as demonstrated in their self motivation to act & accountability for their actions. 
We value and respect individuals for their personal accomplishments. We also recognize that organizational success is dependent on the collective strength of individuals who adapt to changing situations and who communicate and support each other and the community. 
We value personal and organizational accountability to the public and each other in all things we do. We will assure accountability through self examination and investigation of employees from citizen complaints. We will explain our actions and admit our errors in an open and candid fashion.


The Police department is comprised of three divisions: Police Operations, Investigations, and Support Services.
Police Operations

The Operations Division provides comprehensive police service to the community. It is comprised of patrol officers, traffic officers, the SWAT Team and K-9.

The Investigations Division consists of our Detective and Narcotic Units. The detectives specialize in general areas of crime such as property crimes, person crimes, child crimes,
Support Services
The Support Services Division enhances the scope of services provided to the community. Support services include our dispatchers, Animal Control, Records, Court, and Evidence staff.


Professional Standards
The Police Department conducts internal investigations of misconduct or violations of the law. Thorough investigations are conducted without regard to their personal or professional relationship to those being investigated. Confidentiality is maintained throughout. Please contact Deputy Chief of Police Dan Nicodemus for more information, dnicodemus@firstcity.org


Members of the Leavenworth Police Department who manage these duties include:

Citizen Services-Crime Mapping

Photo of police department staff in front of Police Camp sign
Photo of police staff preparing for a running event
Maj. Dan Nicodemus Deputy Police Chief 913-680-2502 dnicodemus@firstcity.org
Lt. Sean Goecke Investigations Division Commander 913-680-2512 sgoecke@firstcity.org
Lt. Steve Herring Patrol Division Commander 913-680-2528 sherring@firstcity.org
Lt. Danny Hall Community Services Division Commander 913-680-2510 dhall@firstcity.org