Parks & Community Activities Advisory Board

Calendar Date:
Repeats every month on the second Monday.
Monday, April 14, 2025 - 4:00pm

The Parks & Community Activities Advisory Board is comprised of nine members including one representative from the education community such as a teacher or administrator, one representative from the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the remaining seven members shall be selected from the City at-large. The members serve 3-year terms as appointed by the City Commission.

Meetings are normally scheduled for the second Monday of each month. They begin at 4:00 p.m. at the Riverfront Community Center.  All regular meetings are open to the public.

Board members: Dave Davis, Kara McDaniel, Shelly Cannon, Wendy Sachen, Steve Zamora, Jennifer Tobey, Jeff Porter, Marianne Tennant, and Chuck Johnson.