
News item: Budget discussions planned for upcoming 2025 annual year

The City of Leavenworth is committed to the prudent use of public money. Fulfilling this commitment is the responsibility primarily of the Finance Department. The employees of the Finance Department are accountable for all aspects of the organization's financial management with the exception of property tax administration, which is conducted through the collaborative efforts of the county appraiser, county clerk, and county treasurer. 

The Finance Department is responsible for:

  • City's financial planning and budgeting systems
  • Safekeeping of funds
  • Payroll
  • Payment of city bills
  • Maintaining all financial records
  • Purchasing of goods and services for City departments

Moody’s Investor Service has recognized the City of Leavenworth sound fiscal management. As a result, Moody's Investor Service has given the City of Leavenworth a rating of Aa2. Good bond ratings are important because they can reduce the interest rate the City pays on future bond issues, saving taxpayers a considerable amount of money.

Relevant Financial Documents

Each year the City produces an Operational Budget and Capital Improvement Program. Following the end of the budget cycle, an outside auditor conducts a required yearly audit of the City's funds, detailed in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.