Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reported on April 13, 2023 at 400 Eisenhower Road

At 1:10 p.m. April 13, 2023, the Water Pollution Control (WPC) staff arrived at 400 Eisenhower Road. Staff checked on a contractor doing work for the City. Staff noticed sewage coming out of the overflow from the lift station. Staff immediately turned pumps on in the lift station to stop the overflow. The contractor had removed the wrong wires from the panel causing the pumps not to come on in "Auto." WPC estimated 150 gallons of wastewater was released from the system. The affected area is from the Hallmark Lift Station at 400 Eisenhower Road going south into the City of Lansing. City staff has notified the City of Lansing of the sanitary sewer overflow. City staff has cleaned the area by pumping sewage back into the lift station wet well. Samples from the creek were gathered and will be tested for E. coli.