Sanitary Sewer Overflow: 918 Kickapoo Street Transparency Report - April 6, 2021

At approximately 12:57 p.m. on April 6, 2021, Water Pollution Control (WPC) was notified of a sewer smell and discolored water running into the creek. WPC responded to the call and determined that sewage was backing up in the City main - between the 900 block of Kickapoo Street and the 900 block of Kiowa Street. This backup caused the sanitary sewer to surcharge and overflow from main near manhole 0119. City staff cleared the blockage in the main and the bypass (overflow) of the system ended at 1:45 p.m. City staff cleaned the creek area and pumped wastewater back into manhole 0117. WPC estimated 4,700 gallons of wastewater was released from the system. The WPC has placed contamination signs along the creek in the impacted area and are pulling samples to determine E-Coli levels. The signs will be removed when the E-Coli levels in the creek are within acceptable limits set by KDHE. The City does request that residents stay away from the creek water until signs are removed. The affected areas will be from the 900 block of Kiowa to the 900 block of Ottawa Street.