Sanitary Sewer Overflow reported December 28, 2017
On Dec. 27, 2017, a citizen reported a sewer overflow near 1906 Fifth Avenue. A water main had broken causing treated water to leak into the sanitary sewer, overflow into the street and then back into the storm drain.
ACTIONS TAKEN: Leavenworth Water Pollution Control responded to the call at 4:15 p.m., turned off the water main and stopped the overflow at 4:30 p.m. An estimated 10,000 gallons of treated drinking water leaked into the sanitary sewer, causing it to overflow. The City reported the incident to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
RISK TO PUBLIC: The City placed “contaminated creek” signs near the area affected areas. The signs will be removed when E. coli levels in the creek are within acceptable limits set by the KDHE. Residents should stay away from the creek until signs are removed. The affected area is the 1900 block of Fifth Avenue to Five Mile Creek at Santa Fe and Second Avenue. UPDATE: On 12/29, tests shows no excessive E. coli readings and signs have been removed.
WHAT RESIDENTS CAN DO TO HELP: If you notice a sewer leaking onto the ground, call the City’s 24-hour line, 913-682-1090.