City prepares for snow storm

Snowy Road overlooking the Missouri River



Trash update as of 11 a.m. Jan. 6:

Trash will not be picked up Monday, Jan. 6.

Trash will not be picked up Tuesday, Jan. 7.

Wednesday's trash will be picked up Wednesday, Jan. 8

Thursday's trash will be picked up Thursday, Jan. 9

Friday's trash will be picked up Friday, Jan. 10

Saturday's trash will be picked up Saturday, Jan. 11

Trash for Monday Jan. 6 and Tuesday Jan. 7 will be picked up Monday Jan. 13 and Tuesday Jan. 14. The Recycling Center is closed this week. There will not be large item pickup this week.

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please understand this is weather permitting during an emergency situation and our crews are working to provide the best service that is safely possible.

Jan. 3, 2025 | Public Information Office

With the National Weather Service predicting a winter storm and heavy snow Jan. 4-5, 2025, the City of Leavenworth is preparing to make transportation routes as safe as possible.

City streets crews have pre-treated roads with a salt brine solution. This will help keep the snow from bonding to the pavement so it is easier to remove. City crews will begin working 12-hour shifts on Saturday and continue through the snow event. However, residents should be advised that travel could still be dangerous. The de-icing materials that the City uses become less effective below 20 degrees and the forecast lows next week will be around zero. Temperatures predicted the week of Jan. 5-10 indicate that roads will continue to remain icy.

Drivers can assist snow plows by removing their personal vehicles that may be parallel-parked along designated snow routes on Saturday morning prior to the snowfall. There is a possibility that the City Manager may declare a snow emergency. If this happens, vehicles that are parallel-parked along snow emergency routes will have a two-hour window to move or be towed at the owner’s expense.

What is a designated “Snow Emergency Route?”

Emergency Snow Routes are heavily-traveled roads designated by city ordinance. According to the Snow and Ice Policy Manual, these routes are plowed first and kept clear as a priority. Each of these roads has several white and blue signs stating “Snow Emergency Route,” like the one shown below. A map can be found in the Snow and Ice Policy Manual online.

Please stay tuned to the City’s website and social media sites for more information about updated weather information.

     East-West Streets:

Cherokee Street                                            3rd Street to 20th Street
County Road 5                                             15th Street to Michals Road
Eisenhower Road                                         4th Street to 20th Street Trafficway
Home Place                                                 Wilson Avenue to Limit Street
Kiowa Street                                                 3rd Street to 4th Street
Limit Street                                                   Home Place to 20th Street Trafficway
Marion Street                                               4th Street to Wilson Avenue
McDonald Road                                          Hughes Road to Shrine Park Road
Michals Road                                               Tonganoxie Road to Richmond Drive
Muncie Road                                               4th Street to 10th Avenue
Ohio and LeCompton Road                      10th Avenue to City Limits
Ottawa Street                                                3rd Street to 20th Street
Pennsylvania Avenue                                  4th Street to 10th Avenue
Shawnee Street                                             3rd Street to 20th Street
Spruce Street                                                3rd Street to 15th Street
Thornton Street                                            4th Street to 10th Avenue
Thornton Street                                            17th Street to 19th Street Terrace
Vilas Street                                                   10th Avenue to 25th Street

                              North-South Streets:

2nd Avenue                                                    Spruce Street to Limit Street
3rd Street                                                        Kiowa Street to Spruce Street
4th Street                                                        Metropolitan Avenue to Limit Street
5th Avenue                                                    Spruce Street to Thornton Street
5th Street                                                        Metropolitan Avenue to Spruce Street
7th Street                                                        Metropolitan Avenue to Spruce Street
10th Avenue                                                  Eisenhower Road to Spruce Street
10th Street                                                      Spruce Street to Metropolitan Avenue
13th Street                                                      Metropolitan Avenue to Cherokee Street
15th Street                                                      Vilas Street to Limit Street
17th Street                                                      Vilas Street to Thornton Street
18th Street                                                      Dakota Street to Spruce Street

18th Street                                                      LeCompton Road to Thornton Street
19th Street Terrace                                       Thornton to 20th Street Trafficway
20th Street                                                      Metropolitan Avenue to Spruce Street
20th Street Trafficway                                Eisenhower Road to Spruce Street
Broadway                                                     Metropolitan Avenue to Thornton Street
Hughes Road                                               Eisenhower Road to Limit Street
Lawrence Avenue                                       Spruce Street to Cherokee Street
Maple Avenue                                              Thornton Street to Limit Street
Santa Fe Trail                                               Metropolitan Avenue to Hancock Avenue

Shrine Park Road                                        Eisenhower Road to Limit Street
Washington Street                                       Spruce Street to Ohio Street
Wilson Avenue                                            Marion to Home Place

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Emergency Snow Route sign with blue and white snowflake