2020 Trunk-or-Treat!

A special thank you to all of our volunteers who made this such a successful event!
- City of Leavenworth, Animal Control
- City of Leavenworth, Human Resources
- City of Leavenworth, Police Department
- Leavenworth Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #19
- Kiwanis Club
- Leavenworth Baptist Church
- Gone with the Hair Salon
- Ashley Fleming
- St. John's Prime Health Care
- Leavenworth Animal Welfare Society (LAWS)
- Debra & Ryan Rogers
- Lions Club of Leavenworth
- Popcorn Pitstop
- Papa John's
- Elizabeth Williams
- Esther Anderson
- JP Mays Realty
- Frontier Community Bank
- Representative Jeff Pittman
- Mr. Breeze
- Sagasu Martial Arts
- Homestead of Leavenworth
- Realty Executives
- VFW Post 56 & Auxilary
- 5th Street Wildflour Bakery
- Leavenworth Rotary Club
- Michael & Kristen Colin
- Mayor Mike Griswald
- Colonel Pat Proctor (retired)
- Rick Harris
- Sandra Butler
- Shelly Cannon
- Tim Crayon
- Kaw River Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA)
- Richard Allen Cultural Center
- Joana Scholtz
- and finally, all of our exceptional event staff workers who volunteered their time and their warmth to share smiles and keep everyone safe!
See pictures below and on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Original information:
Bring the family to Sportsfield and join us for some Halloween fun and LOTS of candy! Be sure to dress up in your favorite costume and bring your Halloween bag or Jack-o-Lantern to carry the candy.
Hours - 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Parking - Enter the Sportsfield parking lot from Ottawa Street.
Guidelines -
- Masks are strongly encouraged. Masks will be available upon request. All volunteers and workers will be required to wear masks.
- Social distancing must be practiced.
- Do not move to the next trunk until the prior party has cleared the area.
- Do not gather in areas to talk.
- Good will ambassadors will be patrolling the area to monitor and assist where needed.
- After visiting the first stop, proceed along the route as marked to collect your treats.
- Treats will be placed on the table at each location. Take the treat from the table and move on to the next location.
- Do not skip in line or go around a group in front of you.
- After visiting the last stop, please proceed to your vehicle to allow more room for the next group entering the area.