Starting a Business in Leavenworth

Leavenworth is an ideal location to start or grow your business.  It's not only part of the Kansas City metropolitan area with easy access to the international airport and several interstates, it is also a stand alone City with a proud pioneering tradition.  Businesses choose Leavenworth because of the strong community spirit, broad workforce options and business-friendly tone. 

The City welcomes the opportunity to discuss your business plans and can bring the right people to the table to assist you.  In addition, the four key items you should consider in your plans are:

City Zoning - Healthy growth and development keeps Leavenworth a great place to live, work and visit.  City zoning regulations set the "rules" for where and how certain activities can occur.  Especially if you are planning to purchase a building, first review whether your plans are allowed in that space.  A list of permitted uses by category is found under Development Regulations Appendix A (page 172): 

Development Regulations Webpage

City Codes - Your specific plans are helpful to ensure public safety and other considerations are addressed.  City staff will provide you the best information in an upfront manner to ease and expedite business plans.  When that information exchange occurs early in a project, the City can be a business supporter by helping to avoid obvious gaps such as lack of ADA accessibility or missing a needed emergency exit.  This is especially important in the historic downtown area where international building codes were not in place during construction in the 1800's but likely apply now.    

International/Existing Building Codes  

Historic Districts - The City's historic districts and registered historic properties are where the City's rich history continues through a modern economic presence.  Businesses inside a historic district should identify if a project might require approval from the Historic Preservation Commission.  Minor items such as roof repair or adding an ADA ramp might be addressed simply through a one-page form.  The City's easily searchable GIS website will show whether an address requires approval for certain work.

City GIS Website

Sign Permit - Signs are a great way to market your local business. The City has standards regarding sign height and placement to maintain an attractive and welcoming setting for your business to thrive.

City Sign Permit

If you have additional questions about starting a business in Leavenworth but are not sure where to begin, contact the Assistant City Manager at (913) 680-2602 or for assistance.

More information about our Leavenworth community.