Centennial Bridge replacement

UPDATED January 2023
The bridge on Kansas Highway 92 spanning the Missouri River is the major transportation route from Kansas City International Airport, the Kansas City Metropolitan area and Platte County, Missouri, to Leavenworth.
The City has been actively working in partnership with our Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) for many years to replace this bridge. In 2014, KDOT and the City engaged an engineering firm for an advanced preliminary engineering study. Recommendations were for keeping the bridge at its current location. Tolling was explored as an option, but rejected by the local leadership in 2015. In May 2020, Leavenworth's Centennial Bridge was included in a new 10-year Kansas Department of Transportation program, "Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program."
In 2022, a contract design firm working for KDOT launched a new website sharing information about the bridge. The City Commission was briefed on the program on January 17, 2023 (VIDEO). The new bridge will:
- Be named "Centennial Bridge"
- Contain a biking/pedestrian dedicated lane
- Not have tolls
- Construction will not shut off access to the current bridge and begin in 2027, with completion in 2029.
More information on "New Centennial Bridge" website, newcentennialbridge.org.